Combat Stress with Our High Potency Whole Food Complex B-Vitamin

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It’s highly probably your body is struggling to methylate nutrients. In a study called “Metabolic, hormonal and immunological associations with global DNA methylation among postmenopausal women”, a group of researchers investigated associations between DNA methylation and dietary factors, sex-steroid hormones, metabolic, lipid, inflammation, immune and one-carbon biomarkers.
“Our data suggest that one-carbon status may modify the effect of sex hormones and immune markers on global DNA methylation. It may be important for studies investigating the associations between hormones and DNA methylation to examine for possible interactions.”
Approximately 60% of people in the United States have a genetic mutation that makes it challenging for their bodies to create enough 5-MTHF.
A Brief Breakdown on What Methylation Is
Methylation is the transfer of four molecules (CH3) from one substance to another, a biochemical process that triggers activity in over 200 body functions, including DNA regulation, cellular energy, and yes, hormone regulation. Methylation controls genetic expression. If you’re not properly methylating nutrients, your body is slowly breaking down.
Why Methylation Is Important
Methylation is so important that Dr. Marc Harris devotes his career to it and has a line of products devoted to the most prominent health issues tied to poor methylation. If your body isn’t methylating, all those critical body functions aren’t happening. It’s like trying to operate a car without turning on the engine. A turn of a key--or lack thereof--changes everything.
“DNA methylation has also been recently shown to mediate cell responses to physiological endocrine signals,” said Garcia-Carpizo, et al. “Moreover, alterations of the normal DNA methylation pattern can also contribute to the development of endocrine and metabolic diseases and can explain the relationship between an individual's genetic background, the environment, and disease.”
Garcia-Carpizo and crew found that alterations in male reproductive tract development and postpubertal prostatitis could be related to changes in DNMTs expression in the testis and prostate. Furthermore, changes in DNMT1 expression have been shown to contribute to both prostate cancer initiation and promotion.
Recent results suggest that DNMT expression is under hormonal control. For instance, DNMT3A, DNMT3B, and DNMT1 are under the regulation of female sex steroid hormones during the menstrual cycle, and aberrant expression of DNMTs was observed in endometriosis.”
What’s Causing Things to Go Wrong
Researchers found that chronic exposure to a stress hormone causes modifications to DNA in the brains of mice, prompting changes in gene expression. The new finding provides clues into how chronic stress might affect human behavior.
Past studies have found that glucocorticoids alter gene expression in the brain. Genetic variations in Fkbp5 have been associated with posttraumatic stress disorder and mood disorders, which are characterized by abnormal glucocorticoid regulation. These results suggest that methylation of Fkbp5 may play a role in mediating the effects of glucocorticoids on behavior.
Things That Cause Methylation to Not Happen Efficiently
- High stress
- Poor diet
- Genetic predisposition
- Synthetic medications
- Environmental factors, like toxins, heavy metals and pesticides
Signs You’re Not Methylating Properly
- Fatigue
- Muscle aches
- Joint pain
- Sinus problems
- Headaches
- Digestive issues
- Trouble sleeping
- Skin problems
- Inability to maintain a healthy weight
- And more
Nutrients Your Need to Get Methylated
Optimal Health Systems has two formulas--Natural Vitality and Female +B--that are potent blends of quality B vitamins. They’re great for maintenance and sustaining balance. Opti-Methyl-B takes a complete array of B vitamins and provides a therapeutic dose to help your body bounce back from severe imbalance.
Instead of %100 RDA of these nutrients, this formula provides up to 7,000% to galvanize your body back to life at the cellular level.
Vitamin B12 Methylcobalamin - This nutrient takes up half the volume of ingredients included in Methyl-B, and for good reason. Not only is the number of people deficient in this nutrient getting larger, you naturally become less efficient at absorbing nutrients as you get older.
On top of that, because of increased medication use, the physiological demands of pregnancy and hormones, women are particularly susceptible to lower vitamin B12 concentrations.
B12 is involved in approximately 100 functions including DNA, RNA, hormones, lipid and protein synthesis.
Vitamin B1 - This essential vitamin helps prevent complications in the nervous system, brain, muscles, heart, stomach, and intestines. It is also involved in the flow of electrolytes into and out of muscle and nerve cells. When it comes to hormones, your body uses it for mental function and clarity. Without it, you’re going to be moody and possibly suffer from anxiety or depression.
Vitamin B2 - Vitamin B2 helps break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It plays a vital role in maintaining the body's energy supply. It helps you absorb and activate iron, folic acid, and vitamins B1, B3 and B6. When it comes to hormones, it helps your adrenal glands produce them.
Vitamin B6 - Vitamin B6 interacts with both endogenous and exogenous hormones and plays a role in the regulation of anterior pituitary hormones.
Vitamin B5 - This nutrient plays a critical role in converting food into energy and helping your adrenal glands produce hormones, including the production of fatty acids. Its inclusion in this formula helps support the whole, intricate picture.
Opti-Methyl-B: Your Therapeutic Dose of Methylated B Vitamins
Opti-Methyl-B contains the active organic forms of the B-vitamin spectrum. The Opti-Blend mixture of plant enzymes and probiotics predigests the whole foods while the cultured media creates the methylated high potency B-vitamins found in this formula.
Methylation of B vitamins is a process in which certain molecules, called methyl groups, are added to various constituents of proteins, DNA, and other molecular structures. These are needed to keep them in good working condition. A great example is serotonin, the feel-good chemical. If not methylated, it becomes dormant and leads to depression and anxiety.
Methyl groups can be easily delivered throughout the entire body with Opti-Methyl B.