Image of the 21-Day Blitz Challenge book, a bottle of Digest-A-Meal, a supplement pouch, and an Flora Blit 100 Pak.
21-Day Blitz Challenge Package
Retail: $110.00
Take one packet daily
  • Breaks you free from sugar cravings
  • Gets you in the habit of eating healthier
  • Resets and reprograms your gut microbiome
  • Helps you lose weight
21-Day Blitzer Package
21-Day Blitz Challenge Package - BLITZERS
Retail: $110.00
Take one packet daily
  • Breaks you free from sugar cravings
  • Gets you in the habit of eating healthier
  • Resets and reprograms your gut microbiome
  • Helps you lose weight
Image of an Optimal Allergy Pak. Around the pak are pine bark, turmeric, Jerusalem artichoke, and Borage flowers.
Allergy Pak
Retail: $78.00
Take one packet daily or as needed in response to allergens.
  • Reduces inflammation and increases immune response
  • Eliminates allergens
  • Increases energy
Image of the set of Optimals Big C Nutrient Paks.
Big C Nutrient Paks Bundle
Retail: $234.00
Take 1 packet from each of the three Paks twice daily with food.
  • Nutritional support for cancer and other serious conditions
  • Assists in nutritionally reducing symptoms
  • Promotes a healthy response to biological stress
  • Strengthens the immune system
Blood Pressure Cuff
Retail: $50.00
Image of an Optimal Brain Health Pak. Around the pak are Turmeric powder, mushrooms, and Spirulina.
Brain Health Pak
Retail: $82.00
Take 1 packet twice daily.
  • Potent ingredients to enhance your concentration, memory, and mood
  • Support the brain's ability to recognize and form neural connections
  • Aid in learning, recovering from injury, and fighting mental degeneration
  • Keep your mind nimble and alert
Image of a bottle of Essentials B-12.
Essential B-12 Drops
Retail: $40.00
Take 1 dropper full two times daily
  • A key nutrient for red blood cells
  • Helps prevent anemia
  • Reduces risk of macular degeneration
  • Promotes healthy DNA methylation
Image of a bottle of Essentials Control. Around the bottle are Bladderwrack, legumes, and Barberries.
Essential Control
Retail: $46.00
Take 2 capsules, daily or as directed.
  • Reduces nagalase in the body
  • Strengthens and supports the immune system
  • Nutritionally supports the reduction of cancer symptoms
  • Nutritionally enhances insulin sensitivity to help control blood sugar
Image of a Bag of Essentials D-Ribose Powder. Around the bag are mushrooms and yogurt.
Essential D-Ribose (Powder)
Retail: $40.00
Take 1 scoop morning and evening.
  • Restores energy at the cellular level
  • Improves heart and muscle function
  • Improves athletic performance
  • Boosts mitochondrial health
Image of a bottle of Essentials DAK1K2. Around the bottle are sauerkraut, kale, and mushrooms.
Essential DAK1K2
Retail: $34.00
Take 1 capsule 2 times daily
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Contains the 4 nutrients that people are the most deficient in
  • Aids in the health of most organs and boosts the immune system
  • Helps with blood vessel health
Essential Fulvic Minerals
Essential Fulvic Minerals
Retail: $40.00
Recommended Dose: Take 2 tablespoons once a day, or as directed.
  • Help your body remove toxins like glyphosate
  • Boost beneficial gut bacteria to improve nutrient absorption
  • Supports whole body health
Image of a toub of Essentials Glutathione with electrolyte tablets. Around the toub are glutathione powder, oranges, glutathione tables, and a glass with a dissolving tablet inside.
Essential Glutathione
Retail: $34.00
Take 1 effervescent wafer dissolved in water 1-2 times daily or as prescribed by a health professional
  • Now with electrolytes!
  • Balances out oxidative stress and acts as a detoxifier
  • The body’s natural research-proven master antioxidant
  • Corrects glutathione deficiencies (associated with aging)
  • Protects against damage to cell membranes
Image of a Bag of Essentials L-Carnitine Powder. Around the bag are avocados, spinach, black and brown beans.
Essential L-Carnitine
Retail: $41.00
Take 1 scoop mixed with 8 oz. of water or other healthy fluid.
  • Encourages the body to use fat as fuel
  • Helps support mitochondrial health
  • Supports a boost in energy levels
  • May contribute to heart health improvement
The image of a bottle of Essentials Magnesium. is walnuts, chickpeas, and spinach.
Essential Magnesium
Retail: $34.00
Take 1 capsule 3 times daily
  • Proven highest absorbed chelated Magnesium in the world
  • Helps maintain optimal muscle and bone health
  • A needed mineral for over 300 cellular processes in your body
  • Helps treat arrhythmia
Image of a bottle of Essentials NADH+DIM. Around the bottle are spinach leaves, broccoli, Kale, and NADH.
Essential NADH+DIM
Retail: $60.00
Take 1 capsule twice daily or as directed.
  • Helps reduce hangover side effects
  • Improves energy levels and brain function
  • Improves mental clarity, concentration, and memory
  • Provides nutritional neurotransmitter support
Image of a bottle of Essentials P-5-P. Around the bottle are oranges, blueberries, and an apple.
Essential P-5-P
Retail: $40.00
Take 1 capsule 2 times daily
  • Helps metabolize lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins into energy
  • Improves energy levels
  • Aids in smooth brain function
  • Supports kidney function and cognitive development & function
Image of a bottle of Essentials Protect. Around the bottle are green tea leaves and turmeric.
Essential Protect
Retail: $48.00
Take 1 capsule 1-2 times daily
  • Contains key phytonutrients that support healing from disease
  • Supports macular degeneration
  • Helps eye diseases and vision loss
  • Aids in cataract prevention
Image of a bottle of Essentials Resveratrol. Around the bottle are strawberries, peas, cinnamon sticks, and a lemon slice.
Essential Resveratrol
Retail: $50.00
Take 2 capsules daily
  • Provides cardiovascular support
  • Promotes a healthy response to biological stress
  • Supports heart health and boosts immune function
  • Helps correct autoimmune diseases
Image of a bottle of Essentials Shrooms. Around the bottle are Mitaki, white button, and Chaga mushrooms.
Essential Shrooms
Retail: $34.00
Take 2 capsules daily or as directed.
  • Strengthens the immune system’s most complex needs
  • Supports brain health
  • Full of antioxidants that serve as anti-inflammatories
  • Great for liver function and supports the cardiovascular system
Image of a dropper bottle of Essential Therapeutic melatonin. Around the bottle are water, vanilla beans, and hawthorn berries.
Essential Therapeutic Melatonin
Retail: $40.00
Take 1-4 droppers based on needs recommended by Health Professional
  • Helps fight degenerative diseases
  • Can help strengthen immune responses
  • Helps promote a healthier stress response
    • Helps reduce negative aspects of aging process
    Image of a bottle of Essentials Ubiquinol. Around the bottle are lentils, spinach, and an orange slice.
    Essential Ubiquinol
    Retail: $90.00
    Take one soft gel daily or as directed by a health professional
    • Helps maintain cardiovascular health
    • Supports heart health
    • Great antioxidant support
    • Supports healthy LDL cholesterol levels
    Picture of essentials Zinc with Chickpeas and Zinc powder around the bottle.
    Essential Zinc
    Retail: $29.00
    Take 1 tablet 3 times daily.
    • Provides nutrition for proper growth, maintenance, and repair of the human body
    • Promotes healthy skin, physical development, and healing
    • Reduces inflammation
    • Contains more than 300 enzymes needed to help grow, repair, and maintain the body
    Image of an Optimal Exposure Protection Pak. Around the pak are Shiitake mushrooms, turmeric powder, beats, and probiotics.
    Exposure Protection Pak
    Retail: $80.00
    ‍Therapeutic: Take 1 packet three times daily with meals for 10 days. Protection: Take 1 packet per day.
    • Immune support specifically for current pandemic
    • Immune system boost
    • Helps nutritionally support recovery from virus attacks
    • Contains blend of vitamin d, probiotics, zinc, nitrates, natural antimicrobials, and more
    Image of Optimal Fasting Pak next to a tube of Glutathione with electrolytes. Around the products are some oranges, spinach, lima beans, blueberries, and an apple.
    Fasting Kit
    Retail: $40.00
    Take one morning, afternoon, and evening packet for each day of fasting.
    • Boosts the powerful cleansing action of fasting
    • Support for any fast, whether it’s for 1, 2, or even 3 days
    • Contains the best formulas to support the body’s system during a fast
    • Helps reset your gut and repair cellular damage, makes fasting easier
    A photo of the weight reduction package that includes:LeanClean Birthday Cake, Chemzyme, Digest A Meal, Fat Reduction Pak, Fiber GLP-1, and the Eating For Healthy 101 booklet
    Fat Reduction Package
    Retail: $285.00
    • Contains four potent products to offer nutritional support for assisting in weight loss
    • Includes a nutrition guide to assist your weight loss journey
    • Aids in the metabolic conversion of fats and sugars into energy
    • Supports the body in reducing fat and aiding in weight maintenance
    LeanClean Lava Cake
    LeanClean Birthday Cake
    Complete Nutrition Plus
    Image of an Optimal Flora Blitz 100 Pak. Around the pak are Jerusalem artichoke.
    Flora Blitz 100
    Retail: $78.00
    Take 1 packet daily for 31 days
    • Delivers a surge of healthy bacteria to kill off the bad bacteria
    • Helps stop unhealthy cravings by re-programming the gut.
    • Improves mood by boosting your body’s serotonin production
    • Dramatically boosts immunity and protection against harmful viruses and bacteria.
    Free Digest-A-Meal & Pouch
    Free Free Digest-A-Meal & Pouch
    Retail: $34.00
    Take 1-2 capsules with each meal/snack
    Great American Food Fraud
    Great American Food Fraud
    Retail: $0.00

    This is a Digital Download Link to the Great American Food Fraud website. After purchase there will be a download link on the post-checkout page and an email with a download link will be sent to the email on the account

    Healthy Habits Tracker App
    Healthy Habits Tracker App
    Retail: $0.00

    This is a Digital Download Link to the App Store. After purchase there will be a download link on the post-checkout page and an email with a download link will be sent to the email on the account

    Image of an Optimal Exposure Protection Pak next to a bottle of Optimal Whole C and Optimal Zinc-Oxy Spray. Around the products are oranges and apples, dandelion, Himalayan rock salt, and turmeric.
    Immune Boosting Bundle
    Retail: $112.00
    • Protects from virus attacks
    • Boosts and restores your immune system
    • Aids in the restoration of taste and smell
    • Natural antioxidants to neutralize damaging free radicals
    An image of a Muscle cussor massage gun.
    Muscle Cussor Massage Gun
    Retail: $225.00
    • Easy to use without disturbing others because of its low volume
    • Has a very high percussions per minute rate
    • Four-hour battery life
    • Includes six different accessories
    Image of Optimal Chemzyme, Digest-a-meal and a Optimal Health Pak
    MVP Stack
    Retail: $175.00
    Take 1 morning and 1 evening packet daily.
    • Helps break down nutrients for healthy absorption
    • Alleviates digestive discomfort
    • Defends against microplastics and phthalates
    • Reduces food sensitivities
    • Addresses your personal health focus with a Customized Nutrient Pak! For more info on each Pak, see under the "Product Deep Dive" section below.
    Optimal Health Pak
    Joint Longevity Pak
    Fat Reduction Pak
    Adrenal Fatigue Pak
    Male Hormone Balance
    Female Hormone Balance
    Image of an Optimal Natural NSAID Pak. Around the pak are bananas, ginger, spinach, and tomato.
    Natural NSAIDs Pak (31 Paks)
    Retail: $78.00
    For basic inflammatory needs: Take one packet daily on an empty stomach. For acute inflammatory needs: Take 1 packet three times daily.
    • A healthier and safer anti-inflammatory nutritional support than NSAIDs
    • Nutritionally aids body in reducing inflammation and pain
    • Helps improve joint health, the repairing of tissue, and combating of disc degeneration
    Image of an Optimal Natural Z Pak. Around the pak are green tea, elderberries, garlic, olive branch, and apple. Kale, and probiotics.
    Natural Z Pak
    Retail: $82.00
    Take 1 packet 3 times daily for 10 days
    • Provides your body with over 21 billion CFU of friendly flora (friendly bacteria)
    • Boosts immune system
    • Speeds recovery from illness
    • Targets only the bad and increases good ecology
    • Includes immune boosting glandulars
    Image of the Nos Performance pak box, with a whole watermelon behind it, 3 strawberries and 3 beats to the left, and 4 carrots to the right of the box.
    NOS Performance Paks
    Retail: $82.00
    Blood Pressure: Take 1 pak in morning and if needing to lower blood pressure a lot, also take a pak in evening. Sexual Intimacy: Take 1 pak 15-20 minutes before (can take up to an hour before).
    • Boosts blood circulation
    • Defends against many conditions including erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure, and more
    • Increases blood vessel flexibility
    • Increases blood flow without increasing blood pressure
    Image of a Nutrient RX Health Report and Lab Results with 2 blood vials
    Nutrients Rx Lab Work
    Retail: $349.00

    In your initial Nutrients Rx purchase, you will receive:

    • Complete nutrient blood & lab panel
    • Health questionnaire
    • Custom and easy-to-understand Health Report based on blood and lab results
    • Nutrients Rx Portal login to view objective improvements and changes tracked
    • ***NOTE*** No physical items are sent for this initial purchase.
    • Check email for instructions on Registering your Nutrients Rx Portal Account, filling out the Health Questionnaire, and Downloading the Paperwork to take to a lab for your lab work
    Man wearing grey EMF blocking t-shirt
    OGS Bamboo Men's Tee
    Retail: $119.00
    • Bamboo Men's Tee: Featuring revolutionary MF Protector Technology™.
    • Material: Soft, breathable Bamboo Lyocell fabric woven with antimicrobial silver fibers.
    • UV Protection: Blocks harmful UV radiation from the sun and electronic devices.
    • Certification: Tested and certified for EMF protection in military-grade laboratories.
    Man wearing grey EMF blocking polo shirt
    OGS Bamboo Polo
    Retail: $139.00
    • Bamboo Men's Polo: Featuring revolutionary MF Protector Technology™.
    • Material: Soft, breathable Bamboo Lyocell fabric woven with antimicrobial silver fibers.
    • UV Protection: Blocks harmful UV radiation from the sun and electronic devices.
    • Certification: Tested and certified for EMF protection in military-grade laboratories.
    Woman wearing grey EMF blocking t-shirt
    OGS Bamboo Women's Tee
    Retail: $119.00
    • Bamboo Women's Tee: Featuring revolutionary MF Protector Technology™.
    • Material: Soft, breathable Bamboo Lyocell fabric woven with antimicrobial silver fibers.
    • UV Protection: Blocks harmful UV radiation from the sun and electronic devices.
    • Certification: Tested and certified for EMF protection in military-grade laboratories.
    Black Beanie on Man's head
    OGS Beanie
    Retail: $30.00
    • OG Beanie: Featuring revolutionary MF Protector Technology™.
    • Certification: Tested and certified for EMF protection in military-grade laboratories.
    • UV Protection: Blocks harmful UV radiation from the sun and electronic devices.
    Man with black ball cap on head
    OGS Flex Cap
    Retail: $32.00
    • OG Flex Cap: Featuring revolutionary MF Protector Technology™.
    • Certification: Tested and certified for EMF protection in military-grade laboratories.
    • UV Protection: Blocks harmful UV radiation from the sun and electronic devices.
    Man wearing black EMF blocking t-shirt
    OGS Men's Tee
    Retail: $119.00
    • OG Men's Tee: Featuring revolutionary MF Protector Technology™.
    • Certification: Tested and certified for EMF protection in military-grade laboratories.
    • UV Protection: Blocks harmful UV radiation from the sun and electronic devices.
    Man wearing black EMF blocking polo shirt
    OGS Polo
    Retail: $139.00
    • OG Polo: Featuring revolutionary MF Protector Technology™.
    • Certification: Tested and certified for EMF protection in military-grade laboratories.
    • UV Protection: Blocks harmful UV radiation from the sun and electronic devices.
    Woman wearing black EMF blocking t-shirt
    OGS Women's Tee
    Retail: $119.00
    • OG Women's Tee: Featuring revolutionary MF Protector Technology™.
    • Certification: Tested and certified for EMF protection in military-grade laboratories.
    • UV Protection: Blocks harmful UV radiation from the sun and electronic devices.
    A Dark green pill pouch, the OHS logo is in the center along with the phone number "800-890-4547".
    OHS Capsule Pouch
    Retail: $2.50
    OHT For Females - Balanced Babes
    OHT For Females - Balanced Babes
    Retail: $2,000.00
    • One-on-one online health coaching
    • Individually tailored meal plans
    • Customized workouts
    • Weekly accountability goal-setting calls
    2000 for 4 Months Training
    OHT For Males - Sovereign Lifestyle
    OHT For Males - Sovereign Lifestyle
    Retail: $1,700.00
    • One-on-one online health coaching
    • Individually tailored meal plans
    • Customized workouts
    • Weekly accountability goal-setting calls
    Image of a bottle of Opti Black Seed Pearls. Around the bottle are black seeds and a jar of black seed oil.
    Opti Black Seed Pearls
    Retail: $55.00
    Take 1-4 softgels per day or as directed.
    • Research shows beneficial effects for diabetes and hypertension
    • Also been shown to help with asthma and allergies
    • High in antioxidants to fight free radicals that can damage your cells
    • Contains natural healthy fats Omegas 3, 6, 7, and 9
    Image of a bottle of Opti-Nutrients Opti-Adrenal. with lemon and rhodiola root.
    Retail: $36.00
    Take 2 capsules 2 times per day, once in the morning, and once in the evening.
    • Nutritionally supports healthy adrenal glands
    • Key ingredients help to promote the body’s ability to increase energy levels
    • Repair adrenal gland damage from synthetic caffeine, stimulants, etc.
    Image of a bottle of Opti-Nutrients Opti-Brain. Around the bottle is cinnamon, olive leaf, and bacopa herb
    Retail: $42.00
    Take 2 capsules 2 times per day, once in the morning, and once in the evening.
    • The most powerful nootropic combination available
    • Improves mental clarity, alertness, and awareness
    • Boosts memory and the ability to focus
    • Improves mood, neuroplasticity, and raises intelligence
    Image of a bottle of Opti-Nutrients Opti-Enviro Detox.
    Opti-Enviro Detox
    Retail: $55.00
    Take 1 full dropper daily, or as directed by a health professional
    • Aids in toxin removal
    • Revitalizes organs
    • Increases energy
    • Great immune system support
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Opti-Female; around the Bottle are Mexican Wild Yam Root, Damiana Leaf, and Dong Quai Root.
    Retail: $36.00
    Take 2 capsules twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening, or as directed.
    • Contains all the known nutrients that support hormonal balance
    • Includes pre-digested glandulars for hormonal balance
    • Helps with menstrual irregularity
    • Eases cramping and reduces bloating
    • Helps with menopausal post symptoms
    Image of a bottle of Opti-Nutrients Opti-GI. Around the bottle are, ginko leaves, an apple, grapefruit, and licorice root.
    Retail: $34.00
    Take 2 capsules daily, or as directed by a health professional.
    • Encourages the body to remove toxins and heavy metals
    • Helps the stomach lining
    • Aids in the process of the gastrointestinal epithelium replacement (every 3-6 days)
    • Supports the metabolism of the gastrointestinal tract
    Image of a bottle of Opti-Nutrients Opti-Glandular.
    Retail: $34.00
    Take 1-2 capsules with meals, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
    • Nutritionally supports total body health
    • Helps restore and maintain the health of the body’s endocrine system
    • Key ingredients to promote the production of important hormones and enzymes
    Image of a bottle of Opti-Nutrients Opti-Heart. around the bottle is kale, apples, and barley grass.
    Retail: $34.00
    Take 2 capsules 2 times daily
    • Supplies key nutrients proven to improve heart health
    • Supports healthy circulation
    • Aids in blood vessel health
    • Supports the strength of the heart muscle
    Image of a bottle of Opti-Nutrients Immune VRL. Around the bottle is beat, pomegranate, licorice root, green tea, and opti blend powder.
    Opti-Immune VRL
    Retail: $37.00
    Take 2 capsules two times daily
    • Nutritionally protects against viruses
    • Boosts the immune system
    • Contains specific glandular aids that research shows have antiviral properties
    • Uses whole food ingredients that are shown to fight off viruses and bacteria
    Image of a bottle of Opti-Nutrients Opti-Iodine. In the image is a pomegranate, some carrots, and okra.
    Retail: $34.00
    Take 1 capsule 2 times daily
    • Provides whole food iodine support for thyroid hormone synthesis
    • Maintains metabolism
    • Supports thyroid, endocrine, and breast health
    • Helps control weight and can lower the risk of diabetes
    Image of a bottle of Opti-Nutrients Opti-Lung. Around the bottle is ginger, kelp, and ginger root.
    Retail: $37.00
    Take 1 capsule 2 times daily
    • Assists the respiratory system
    • Contains beta-carotene, B6, and more to support the organs of the respiratory system
    Image of a bottle of Opti-MagnaSTEM with mushrooms and kelp around the bottle.
    Retail: $42.00
    Take 2 capsules 2 times per day, once in the morning, and once in the evening
    • Assists the natural release of stem cells
    • Helps stem cells remain healthy and active while in the bloodstream
    • Slows the aging process
    • Improves tissue repair
    Image of a bottle of Opti-Nutrients Opti-Metals Detox.
    Opti-Metals Detox
    Retail: $55.00
    Take 1 full dropper daily, or as directed by a health professional
    • Supplies nutrients that improve toxin drainage through your organs
    • Detoxifies your liver, kidneys, blood, lungs, lymphs, skin, and digestive tract
    • Improves energy
    • Repairs at the cellular level
    Image of a bottle of Opti-Nutrients Methyl-B. Around the bottle are Peas, carrots, cucumbers, and lemongrass.
    Retail: $34.00
    Take 2 capsules twice daily, or as directed by a health professional
    • High potency methylated B vitamin complex
    • Helps combat stress
    • Improves mental health, energy levels, and hormone health
    • Promotes a healthy metabolism
    Image of a bottle of Opti-Nutrients Opti-Mito-Force. Around the bottle are Red grapes, grape seeds, and grapeseed oil. Some turmeric powder and pine bark.
    Retail: $34.00
    Take 1 capsule 2 times daily
    • Offers robust defense against potential damage from oxidants
    • Provides nutritional support for mitochondrial function
    • Contribute to increased energy levels
    • Stimulates growth of fresh mitochondria
    Image of a bottle of Opti-Nutrients Opti-Para. Around the bottle are Garlic, pumpkin seeds, clove flower, and oregano leaf.
    Retail: $34.00
    Take 2 capsules 2 times daily
    • Supports the removal of parasites
    • Addresses the health and microbial balance of the GI tract
    • Contains ingredients that are poisonous to bacteria, but completely safe for us
    • Eliminates all three kinds of parasites
    Image of a bottle of Opti-Nutrients Opti-Thyroid. Around the image are raspberries, kelp, and strawberries.
    Retail: $40.00
    Take 2 capsules daily or as directed by a health professional.
    • Provides micronutrients that are essential for the production of thyroid hormones
    • Contains B vitamins to support energy production
    • Provides support for antioxidant activity and tissue protection
    • Supports metabolic functions
    Image of a bottle of Optimal One Digest-A-Meal with Aloe and plant enzymes behind the bottle.
    Optimal 1 Digest-A-Meal
    Retail: $32.00
    Take 1-2 capsules before each meal or as needed.
    • Helps break down all nutrients
    • Contains crucial digestive plant enzymes
    • Helps eliminate gas, bloat, acid reflux and more
    • Aids the gut in nutrient absorption and metabolism
    Image of a bottle of Optimal One Digest-A-Meal Family size with Aloe and plant enzymes behind the bottle.
    Optimal 1 Digest-A-Meal - Family Size
    Retail: $80.00
    Take 1-2 capsules before each meal or as needed.
    • Helps break down all nutrients
    • Contains crucial digestive plant enzymes
    • Helps eliminate gas, bloat, acid reflux and more
    • Aids the gut in nutrient absorption and metabolism
    Image of a bottle of Optimal 2 Whole Food Vitamin Mineral. Around the bottle are blueberries, raspberries, mangoes, and apples.
    Optimal 2 Whole Food Vitamin Mineral
    Retail: $32.00
    Take 3 capsules daily preferably with meals, or as directed.
    • Each dose contains 100% daily value of 24 essential vitamins and minerals
    • Minerals are retained at the highest levels and are at the lowest toxicity
    • Our predigested vitamins and minerals are absorbed at the cellular level
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Acute with a bowl of cherries and sliced ginger.
    Optimal Acute
    Retail: $40.00
    Take 4 capsules every 2 hours or as needed.
    • Reduce inflammation safely and naturally
    • Heal damaged cells
    • Extremely efficient at digesting potentially harmful proteins
    • Beneficial for sports injuries and recovery from accidents and surgery
    Image of a bottle of Optimal B Awake with Green tea leaves and Rhodiola Rosea.
    Optimal B Awake
    Retail: $32.00
    Take 2 capsules with food, as needed in the morning/early afternoon, or as directed.
    • Helps you gain immediate energy without the crash
    • Increases mental clarity and focus
    • Enhances mood
    • Provides your body with a healthy alternative to caffeine and does not tax adrenal glands
    Image of a bottle of Optimal B.F.F. with mango, spinach, blueberries, and creatine nitrate powder.
    Optimal BFF
    Retail: $48.00
    Chew 3 tablets daily or as directed.
    • Food nitrates improve flexibility of blood vessels, supporting lower blood pressure
    • Natural caffeine provides boost in energy
    • Supports heart, muscle, and artery health
    Image of a bottle of Optimal BonePlus Calcium with a bowl of peas, a bowl of blueberries, and 3 apples around the bottle.
    Optimal BonePlus Calcium
    Retail: $32.00
    Take 6 capsule daily or as directed.
    • A healthy blend using the most absorbable form of calcium
    • Contains ipriflavone which promotes bone formation and strength
    • Absorbed 200% more than other calciums
    • Helps with osteoporosis
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Calm with hops, sliced lemons, and passiflora flower.
    Optimal Calm
    Retail: $36.00
    Take 1-3 capsules before bed, when anxiety levels are extreme, or as directed.
    • Gently and naturally supports deep, restful sleep
    • Calms the mind and body
    • Good for ADHD, high anxiety, and can help with metabolism
    • Helps with weight control

      **Formerly known as Optimal REM Sleep

    image of OHS bottle of Optimal Chemzyme
    Optimal Chemzyme
    Retail: $36.00
    Take 2 capsules daily on an empty stomach, 1 mid-morning and 1 afternoon, or as directed.
    • Detoxification of phthalates
    • Enhanced nutrient absorption
    • Reduced food sensitivities
    • Support for gut health
    • Improved energy levels
    • Promoting mental clarity
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Chronic with some yucca roots behind it.
    Optimal Chronic
    Retail: $32.00
    Take 1 capsule 3 times daily with each meal or as directed.
    • Contains nutrients that help with chronic inflammation
    • Helps with Osteo & Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Aids joint and back pain/injury
    • Helps regenerate spinal discs
    Image of a bag of Optimal Complete Nutrition Plus. around the bag is a blueberry, some mangos, spinach, bananas, Mango, and raspberries
    Optimal Complete Nutrition Plus
    Retail: $90.00
    Take 1 scoop mixed with 8 oz. of water or other healthy fluid. Mix thoroughly and drink.
    • High dosage of antioxidants proven to squelch all five free radicals
    • Purest plant forms of protein, carbs, and essential fats
    • Assists in weight control (gain or loss)
    • Great tasting replacement for junk food
    Bag of Optimal Complete Performance Exotic Chocolate, with soy beans and chocolate protein powder next to it.
    Optimal Complete Performance - Exotic Chocolate
    Retail: $90.00
    Take 2 level scoops with 12-16 oz. of water or other healthy liquid. Mix thoroughly and drink.
    • Balanced protein powder
    • Restores energy and helps create lean, calorie-burning muscles
    • Supplements diets lacking proper protein intake
    • Great tasting replacement for junk food
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Complete Performance Native Vanilla with soybeans and whey protein powder behind the bottle.
    Optimal Complete Performance - Native Vanilla
    Retail: $90.00
    Take 2 level scoops with 12-16 oz. of water or other healthy liquid. Mix thoroughly and drink.
    • Balanced high protein, medium carbohydrate, and low-fat powder
    • Restores energy and helps create lean, calorie-burning muscles
    • Supplements diets lacking in proper protein intake
    • Great tasting replacement for junk food
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Cort-Addrena With ashwagandha, licorice root, and holy basil behind the bottle.
    Optimal Cort-Adrena
    Retail: $32.00
    Take 2 capsules 3 times daily with each meal or as directed.
    • Supports adrenal glands and reduces cortisol
    • Provides a safe source of energy
    • Helps with physical & emotional stress
    • Aids in the healing chronic fatigue syndrome and much more
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Defence. Around the bottle is a picture of a bunch of elderberries, an olive branch with green olives, and a bowl of anise seed.
    Optimal Defense
    Retail: $37.00
    Take 1-4 capsules twice daily or as directed.
    • Packed with nutrients that provide immune support
    • Helps with colds, flu, and infections
    • Nutritionally supports against AIDS & HIV
    • A great alternative to antibiotics
    Image of a bottle of Optimal E.F.A. Around the bottle is some flax seeds, algae, and borage flowers
    Optimal EFA
    Retail: $34.00
    Take 2 capsules daily, or as directed.
    • Essential Fatty Acid formula targets cardiovascular, brain, and eye health
    • Helps decrease blood pressure
    • Uses safer, more potent forms of omega-3s (from algae, flaxseed, and borage oils)
    • Provides nutritional support for degenerative diseases, nervous system disorders, etc.
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Fat Sugar Trim with turmeric root and powder, garlic bulb and cloves, and cinnamon sprigs.
    Optimal Fat Sugar Trim
    Retail: $34.00
    Take 3 capsules daily or as directed.
    • Effectively digests fats and sugars so they can be metabolized as energy
    • Helps eliminate sugar and fat cravings
    • Nutritionally supports your body’s fight against high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and more
    • Assists with stabilizing blood sugar
    Image of an Optimal Female Balance Pak. Around the box are Licorice root, NADH, baisl, Damiana Leaf, Pygeum Herb, and lima beans.
    Optimal Female Balance Pak
    Retail: $120.00
    • Regain hormonal harmony by balancing estrogen and testosterone
    • Uplift your mood and increase energy
    • Reduce impact and symptoms of PMS
    • Specially designed to meet women’s unique nutritional needs
    Photo of a bag of Fiber GLP-1, a small circular image of bacteria and a wooden bowl of a type of powder
    Optimal Fiber GLP-1
    Retail: $40.00
    Mix 1 level scoop into 8 ounces water or beverage of your choice, twice daily or as recommended by a Health Care Provider.
    • Support blood sugar regulation
    • Reduce hunger and control cravings
    • Helps maintain regular bowel movements
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Flora Plus with Jerusalem artichokes.
    Optimal Flora Plus
    Retail: $32.00
    Take 3 capsules daily, one with each meal or as directed.
    • Helps avoid upset stomachs, fatigue, frequent colds/flu, and dairy sensitivity
    • Supports intestinal health and improves digestion
    • Promotes immune function and overall health
    • Contains 9 patented, heat-stabilized, acid resistant probiotics
    Image of a bag of Optimal Fruit and Veggie Plus. Around the bag are grapes, strawberries, kale, and an apple.
    Optimal Fruit & Veggie Plus
    Retail: $90.00
    Take 1 scoop mixed with water or healthy fluid of choice once per day
    • Most potent antioxidant and phytonutrient powder on the market
    • Balances all 5 free radicals
    • Improves metabolic disorders and degenerative diseases
    • Decreases overall body inflammation
    Image of an Optimal Half-Day Organ Cleanse Pak. Around the pak are raspberries, blueberries, milk thistle, and White powder.
    Optimal Half-Day Organ Cleanse Kit (with instructions)
    Retail: $66.00
    Follow the directions in the accompanying booklet
    • A holistic cleanse that helps with aches/pains, obesity, halitosis, and more
    • Can lower high cholesterol
    • Rids your body of toxin build-up
    • You may experience improved energy, clearer vision, less joint pain, and more
    Image of an Optimal Health Pak. Around the pak are Strawberries, flaxseeds, powder, probiotics, and an apple.
    Optimal Health Pak
    Retail: $113.00
    Take 1 packet morning and 1 packet evening
    • Aids the body in achieving Optimal Health
    • Helps support longevity and mental acuity
    • Promotes energy, happiness, and sexual health
    • Boosts immunity
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Iron with spinach leaves behind the bottle.
    Optimal Iron
    Retail: $32.00
    Take 1 capsule 3 times daily with meals or as directed.
    • Most potent, effective, and safe form of iron
    • Helps with anemia, poor circulation, blood disorders, and more
    • Supports the white blood cells, the immune system, and the nervous system
    • Helps alleviate excessive menstruation
    Image of a bag of Optimal LeanClean Protein Grass-Fed Whey + Collagen. Around the bag are sunflowers, stevia leaves, and whey protein.
    Optimal LeanClean Protein - Birthday Cake
    Retail: $90.00
    Take 1 scoop mixed with 8 oz. of water (or other healthy fluid), mix thoroughly and drink.
    • Clean, easily digestible, grass-fed whey protein powder for healthy muscles
    • Promotes healthy hair, skin, and nails
    • Great for anti-aging benefits
    • Ingredients picked to retain its sweet, vanilla cake-like flavor when used for baking
    • Formerly known as Optimal Collagen
    Image of Optimal Lean Clean Protein Lava cake bag. Around the bag are sunflowers, whey powder, cocoa beans, and stevia leaves.
    Optimal LeanClean Protein - Lava Cake
    Retail: $90.00
    Take 1 scoop with 6-12 ounces of water or healthy fluid of choice daily
    • Clean, easily digestible, grass-fed whey protein powder for healthy muscles
    • Promotes healthy hair, skin, and nails
    • Great for anti-aging benefits
    • Ingredients picked to retain its sweet, chocolate cake-like flavor when used for baking
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Lightning Vita-Min Gummies; around the bottle is a pile of blueberries, some oranges and orange slices, a peach, and a leaf of kale.
    Optimal Lightning Vita-Min Gummies
    Retail: $48.00
    Take 3 gummies daily or as directed.
    • Made with over 50 organic nutrient-rich foods
    • Each dose contains 100% daily value of 24 essential vitamins and minerals
    • Delicious real-food gummy without any highly processed ingredients, synthetics, or sugars
    Image of a bottle of Optimal LipoLean CLA: there are two safflowers around the bottle.
    Optimal LipoLean CLA
    Retail: $32.00
    Take 4 capsules daily. 2 in the morning and 2 at night, or as directed.
    • Consistently following the daily regimen for 12 weeks may result in a gradual reduction in fat, potentially up to 4%
    • Contributes to reduced food cravings
    • Can influence an increased metabolic rate
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Liver Kidney with chopped dried dandelion root, Chopped barberry root, and milk thistle around the bottle.
    Optimal Liver Kidney
    Retail: $32.00
    Take 2 capsules twice daily or as directed.
    • Contains ingredients proven to ensure normal clearance of toxins
    • Helps protect the liver
    • Aids in the process of detoxification
    • Nutritionally repairs from chronic alcohol, medication use, and more
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Longevi-D K2 with blueberries, strawberries, broccoli, and red grapes with seeds and a bottle of grape seed oil.
    Optimal Longevi-D K2
    Retail: $37.00
    Take 2 capsules 1-2 times daily or as directed.
    • Supports bone, cardiovascular, and mental health
    • Uses 3 ingredients that raise each others’ effectiveness (CoQ10, Vit D, and K2)
    • Beneficial for overall longevity and quality of life
    • Helps with neurodegenerative problems (Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, etc.)
    Image of an Optimal Male Balance Pak.
    Optimal Male Balance Pak
    Retail: $120.00
    • Naturally support testosterone to increase vitality
    • Amplify your drive and reduce mood swings
    • Fight fatigue and maintain strong energy levels throughout the day
    • Specially designed to meet men’s unique nutritional needs
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Muscle Rx. There are 3 white powders around the bottle.
    Optimal Muscle RX
    Retail: $70.00
    For Building Lean Muscle: Take 5 capsules before and after lifting weights, and take 5 capsules morning and night on non-lifting days. For Sustaining Muscle: Take 5 capsules before and after resistance training, and take 5 capsules at night on non-training days. For Recovery from Surgery, Illness, or Injury: Consult your health professional and refer to our Special Health Report #103.
    • Helps build and sustain lean muscle
    • Speeds up muscle building
    • Stops sarcopenia
    • Repairs, builds, and retains muscle for power and spine support
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Opti-Nitric. behind the bottle is a watermelon slice and Arginine powder.
    Optimal Opti-Nitric
    Retail: $34.00
    Take 2 capsules twice daily or as directed.
    • Boosts nitric oxide levels
    • Stimulates growth hormone for anti aging benefits
    • Aides in blood pressure regulation
    • Counters heart disease, helps normalize blood sugars, and more
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Opti-T. Around the bottle is Tribulus Terrestris and Pygeum Herb.
    Optimal Opti-T
    Retail: $36.00
    Take 3 capsules daily or as directed.
    • Natural support for higher testosterone levels and reproductive health
    • Aids circulation
    • Enhances memory and increases vitality
    • Provides 100% recommended daily allowance (RDA) of whole food B vitamins
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Oxy Pure; oxygen molecules are depicted behind it.
    Optimal Oxy Pure
    Retail: $34.00
    15 drops in 4 oz. of water 3 times a day, or as needed. Best if used 30 minutes before or 1 hour after meals. May be taken sublingually or used topically. Shake well before using.
    • Helps with oxygenation
    • Aids in fighting colds, flu, infection, rash, shingles, bug bites, and more
    • Improves aerobic performance, skin, oxygenation, and immunity
    • Has 350,000 parts per million of dissolved bioavailable oxygen
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Sleep gummies; around the bottle, is some spinach, beet, and passiflora flowers.
    Optimal Sleep Gummies
    Retail: $40.00
    Take 1 gummie five minutes before bed or as directed.
    • Helps you fall asleep quicker
    • Helps maintain a healthy circadian rhythm
    • Helps with insomnia
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Whole C. Around the bottle are some cherries, oranges, and grapefruit.
    Optimal Whole C
    Retail: $24.00
    Chew 1 tablet twice daily or as directed.
    • Potent, chewable vitamin C sourced from whole foods
    • Natural antioxidant to neutralize damaging free radicals
    • Nutritionally supports a healthy immune system
    • Complete formula containing all 4 parts of vitamin C, as nature intended
    Image of a bottle of Optimal Zinc-Oxy Spray with water and Himalayan rock salt.
    Optimal Zinc-Oxy Spray
    Retail: $42.00
    Shake well and remove safety band. With head upright, insert nozzle in nostril and spray 1-3 times, as needed. Repeat as necessary.
    • Immediate dose of nutrients for nasal relief
    • Protects from viruses
    • Aids in the restoration of taste and smell
    • Boosts oxygen intake
    Image of an Optimal Opti-Pak. Around the pak are sliced aloe leaves, broccoli, mushrooms, an apple, and flax seeds.
    Retail: $78.00
    Take 1 packet daily
    • Each pak supplies your body with its daily dose of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, enzymes, and omega 3s
    • Helps clean your blood
    • Promotes heart health
    • Aids in your overall health
    Image of an Optimal Peptide Support Pak.
    Peptide Support Pak
    Retail: $100.00
    Take 1 packet morning and night up to 3 days before peptide use, continue during use, and for 4 weeks post therapy.
    • Supports production and protection of signaling peptides
    • Helps stimulation of endocrine system chemicals
    • Strengthens and supports red blood cells
    Image of an Optimal Pre-Conditioning Pak. Around the box are carrots, oranges, raspberries, pine bark, red grapes with red grape seeds, and grape seed oil.
    Pre-conditioning Pak
    Retail: $78.00
    Take 1-2 packets daily
    • Preconditions the body to successfully accept a wide range of treatments
    • Eases joint pain
    • Rebuilds spine, nerves, and tissue
    Image of an Optimal Soft Cleanse Pak. Around the pak are Jerusalem artichoke, milk thistle, grapefruit, and barberry root.
    Soft Cleanse Pak
    Retail: $99.00
    Take 1 packet every 12 hours for 30 days
    • Safely removes metal toxins
    • Improves energy
    • Balances the bowels
    • Uses specific ingredients to aid in cleansing and the removal of toxins
    Image of an Optimal Stress and Anxiety Relief Pak. Around the pak is Turmeric powder and root, mushrooms, spinach, and ashwagandha fruit.
    Stress/Anxiety Relief Pak (31 Paks)
    Retail: $82.00
    Take 1 packet daily or as needed
    • Eases stress and anxiety
    • Fills deficiencies caused by stress and anxiety
    • Packed with over 100 nutrients
    • Supplies you with magnesium, all B vitamins, and vitamin C (the four nutrients you burn through while stressed)
    Super Seminar | General Admission - Public
    Super Seminar | General Admission - Public
    Retail: $99.00

    For more info, please visit the Super Seminar Page. 

    Image of an Optimal True-Energy Pak. Around the pak are maitake mushrooms, licorice root, Ashwagandha fruit, and kale.
    Tru-Energy Pak
    Retail: $108.00
    Take 1 packet 2 times daily
    • Contains all nutrients proven to feel ATP synthesis
    • Helps rebuild and fortify adrenal glands from caffeine, sugar, or toxin abuse
    • Provides an energy boost
    • Gives support to the adrenal glands
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