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Essential L-Carnitine

Essential L-Carnitine

  • Encourages the body to use fat as fuel
  • Helps support mitochondrial health
  • Supports a boost in energy levels
  • May contribute to heart health improvement
Recommended Dose: Take 1 scoop mixed with 8 oz. of water or other healthy fluid.
Regular price $41.00
Regular price Sale price $41.00
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50 servings per container
  • HSA/FSA eligible with TrueMed. HSA does not allow Autoship, choose One Time Purchase.
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Support Your Mitochondria to Boost Energy Levels and Fat Reduction

Clean Energy

Transports long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria so they can be oxidized to produce energy.

Cellular Cleanup

Aids in cellular detoxification and may contribute to the reduction of excess body fat.

Keeps Cells Healthy

Initiates cardioprotective effects, potentially reducing oxidative stress, inflammation, and cell death.

Critical Cell Function

Offers nutritional support that may enhance mitochondrial function, support heart health, and promote optimal fat metabolism for weight management benefits.

Dairy Free
No dairy ingredients are in this product. NOTE: Many products in the OHS line contain probiotics and enzymes that help break down dairy helping the body utilize it when consumed.
Gluten Free
This product is free of Gluten which has been shown to cause an allergic reaction with certain individuals. NOTE: Many people take the Optimal Digestion formula to help with gluten digestion through our special enzyme that helps digest it.
GMP certified means that the manufacturer has demonstrated a strong regulatory commitment and compliance to international GMP standards. All of the products from OHS are blended, encapsulated and/or tableted in a GMP facility. OHS also is a FDA registered facility including packaging and shipping.
Non-GMO means a product was produced without genetic engineering and it's ingredients are not derived from GMOs.
This blend of high potency enzymes and other nutrients are used to pre-digest the formulas making them more bioavailable and absorbed at the cellular level. Opti-Blend revolutionizes supplements because it allows the vitamins and minerals to be utilized at a much higher rate.
This means that a product is made or manufactured without the use of animal products.
Whole Food
Using nature's fermentation process with organic yeast, pure plant enzymes, stabilized probiotics, and a variety of whole foods, we can now deliver higher potencies of whole food vitamins and minerals.

Why we made this

As part of our focus on core cellular functions as part of optimal health, Essential L-Carnitine was crafted to provide your body with clean energy, encourage fat utilization, and enhance mitochondrial and heart health. This unique formula addresses deficiencies and offers nutritional tools critical for boosting mitochondrial function, supporting heart health, and promoting optimal fat burn for increased energy and a leaner figure.

image of wooden spoons holding suplimentsimage of a lady taking a clear supliment
Basil leaves

What's Inside?

Great healthy fat and fiber source, high in potassium which supports healthy blood pressure levels, can lower cholesterol, contains powerful antioxidants
Pinto Beans
Wonderful source or protein, fiber, mitamins, and minerals, improves blood sugar and heart health, good antioxidant source
Black Beans
Good for maintaining healthy bones, high in protein and fiber, lowers blood pressure, encourages healthy digestion
Packed full of antioxidants, great for skin, hair, and bones, powerful source of protein, iron, vitamins, and minerals
Good source of vitamins A, C, and K, contains calcium which is great for bone health, muscle function, and nerve function
Supplement Fact Label Essential L-Carnitine

Product Deep Dive

Carnitine has been studied extensively because it is important to energy production and is a well-tolerated and generally safe therapeutic agent. Researchers prefer to study acetyl-L-carnitine because it is better absorbed in the small intestine than other forms, and more efficiently crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Carnitine is found in almost every last cell in your body and it plays a critical role in energy production by transporting fatty acids to mitochondria, where they’re converted to energy. Carnitine also plays a role in helping remove toxins from cells.

You mainly find dietary carnitine in meat, fish, poultry and dairy, especially red meat. For vegetarians and those who avoid red meat, along with those genetically predisposed to not using certain fats for energy, it can be easy to grow deficient in carnitine.There are also preexisting health conditions that can create cause it as well:

  • Liver disease
  • Kidney disease, especially with dialysis
  • Digestive disease that causes poor absorption
  • Malnutrition
  • Mitochondrial disease
  • Certain metabolic disorders
  • Certain medicines, such as valproate

Ultimately, a deficiency leads to a condition where nutrients can’t reach your body’s cells, causing weakness and potentially heart and living problems.

Signs of a Carnitine Deficiency:

  • Decreased or floppy muscle tone or muscle weakness
  • Tiredness/Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Inability to lose body fat

L-Carnitine and Your Heart

Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of deaths worldwide, accounting for 15-17% of healthcare costs. Current records estimate an annual global average of 30 million cardiac dysfunction cases, and experts anticipate that number to rise over the next 30 years.

Studies show that L-carnitine improves the transport of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondrial matrix, triggering cardioprotective effects through reduced oxidative stress, inflammation and cell death. Carnitine deficiency results in a reduced oxidation (breakdown) of fatty acids and therefore, reduced energy (ATP) production.

“Carnitines have an essential role in the regulation of mitochondrial function and recent studies both in animal models and human subjects have emphasized the importance of mitochondrial function in regulating NO* signaling,” said researchers from the 2009 study on “Carnitine homeostasis, mitochondrial function, and cardiovascular disease.” *NO stands for nitric oxide, a key molecule for blood vessel flexibility and blood flow.

A weakened heart may not be able to pump blood as well. This can lead to symptoms such as swelling and shortness of breath. Untreated heart weakness may lead to death early in life.

Several studies have examined the effectiveness of supplemental carnitine in the management of cardiac ischemia (restriction of blood flow to the heart) and peripheral arterial disease (whose most important symptom is poor circulation in the legs, known as intermittent claudication). Because levels of carnitine are low in the failing heart muscle, supplemental amounts might counteract the toxic effects of free fatty acids and improve carbohydrate metabolism.L-Carnitine and Your Mitochondria
Mitochondria are the energy factories of every last cell in your body. If they slow down, you slow down.

A decline in mitochondrial function is thought to contribute to the aging process. Carnitine may be involved because its concentration in tissues declines with age, which deteriorates the mitochondrial membrane. Carnitines are involved in mitochondrial transport of fatty acids and are of critical importance for maintaining normal mitochondrial function.

L-Carnitine and the Rest of Your Body

Research on aged rats found supplementation with high doses of acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) and ALA (an antioxidant) reduced deterioration. The animals’ activity levels rose in the form of moving around more and improved their performance on memory challenges.

The results suggest that acetyl-L-carnitine may help with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. Several studies show improvements or slower declines in mental ability in people with Alzheimer's disease who took ALC.

Once ALC passes through the blood-brain barrier, it helps promote synthesization of a primary neurotransmitter in the brain known as acetylcholine, which primarily allows for communication between nerve cells. This in turn helps support memory health, focus and alertness, improved sleep and muscle contractions.

L-carnitine has also been shown to play a role in regulating calcium influx, making sure it stays out of your arteries and in your bones. Heart weakness is a serious possible development from an L-carnitine deficiency left unchecked.

Research also shows that people with prediabetes had some improvement in their blood sugar levels after taking ALC for two months.

Researchers from the study on “L-Carnitine and heart disease” said, “L-carnitine reduces hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperglycemia, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance, obesity, etc. that enhance cardiovascular pathology.”The Best, Most Absorbable (and Most Studied) Form
There are two forms of carnitine supplementation out there, but studies show that acetyl-L-carnitine is the superior form due to its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. This supports brain energy and function.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you guarantee potency?

We do all of the work, from research and development to production and shipping, in-house. This means we know exactly what goes into every single supplement and powder we sell.

Where is the expiration date on the product?

D.O.M. (Date of Manufacture) is the new way that the FDA has asked all supplement companies to display dates onto our products, instead of expiration dates. All of our products have a general 2-year expiration date from the D.O.M. Although after these 2 years, the product doesn't go bad or cause harm, they simply start to lose potency.‍

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