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Flora Blitz 100

Flora Blitz 100

  • Delivers a surge of healthy bacteria to kill off the bad bacteria
  • Helps stop unhealthy cravings by re-programming the gut.
  • Improves mood by boosting your body’s serotonin production
  • Dramatically boosts immunity and protection against harmful viruses and bacteria.
Recommended Dose: Take 1 packet daily for 31 days
Regular price $78.00
Regular price Sale price $78.00
Sale Low Stock
31 servings per container
  • HSA/FSA eligible with TrueMed. HSA does not allow Autoship, choose One Time Purchase.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee *
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Help Reprogram Your Food Cravings

Out with the Bad

Kill off bad bacteria and repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria that don’t rely on simple sugars.

Microbiome Reset

Delivers a therapeutic dose of probiotics that will clear out your gut of bad bacteria and set you up to crave healthier foods.

Change Cravings, Change You

Resetting your gut with friendly bacteria makes reconstructing your diet simple and easy.

Complete Dose

Over 100 billion CFU of friendly flora for fast fat loss, energy increase and mindset improvement.

Dairy Free
No dairy ingredients are in this product. NOTE: Many products in the OHS line contain probiotics and enzymes that help break down dairy helping the body utilize it when consumed.
Gluten Free
This product is free of Gluten which has been shown to cause an allergic reaction with certain individuals. NOTE: Many people take the Optimal Digestion formula to help with gluten digestion through our special enzyme that helps digest it.
GMP certified means that the manufacturer has demonstrated a strong regulatory commitment and compliance to international GMP standards. All of the products from OHS are blended, encapsulated and/or tableted in a GMP facility. OHS also is a FDA registered facility including packaging and shipping.
Non-GMO means a product was produced without genetic engineering and it's ingredients are not derived from GMOs.
This blend of high potency enzymes and other nutrients are used to pre-digest the formulas making them more bioavailable and absorbed at the cellular level. Opti-Blend revolutionizes supplements because it allows the vitamins and minerals to be utilized at a much higher rate.
This means that a product is made or manufactured without the use of animal products.
Whole Food
Using nature's fermentation process with organic yeast, pure plant enzymes, stabilized probiotics, and a variety of whole foods, we can now deliver higher potencies of whole food vitamins and minerals.

Why we made this

One of the main reasons we crave sugary, processed foods is because our diets have trained the bacteria in our gut to live off of those foods. When they crave sugary foods, we crave them too.

We designed this powerful supplement to deliver a surge of healthy gut bacteria, annihilating the bad bacteria that drive unhealthy cravings. Flora Blitz 100 isn't just about gut health; it's a game-changer for controlling cravings, improving mood, and boosting immunity. Say hello to a revitalized gut and a transformed life.

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Basil leaves

What's Inside?

High CFU Probiotics
A blend of 9 heat-resistant, acid-stabilized probiotic strains needed to completely inhabit the entire gut, produce digestive enzymes, re-program cravings, and inhibit growth of toxin-producing microorganisms.
Opti-Blend Delivery System
Helps in the breakdown of nutrients so they can reach the cellular level for maximum absorption.
Jerusalem Artichoke
A pre-biotic used to help regulate bowel function by providing a food source for probiotics, allowing them to function at full capacity.
Supplement Fact Label Flora Blitz 100

Product Deep Dive

Bacteria and Food Cravings

With all this happening in your gut, there’s another major connection going on: bacteria and food cravings. Since bacteria can trigger certain emotions, they can also trigger certain food cravings. The new science surrounding the microbiome provides many opportunities for developing products that can mediate GI function and thereby influence overall health.

If you’ve ever tried to eat healthy but kept falling off the wagon, there’s hope for you yet. You’re not the one craving sugar and greasy food; it’s the bad bacteria that survive and thrive off junk food. Good bacteria, on the other hand, love those raw fruits and vegetables and whatnot. That shines a bright light on how healthy people keep on eating healthy without faltering. They’ve got bacteria on their side.

Bacteria are far more genetically diverse than humans, meaning they can be programmed and reprogrammed with ease, reacting immediately to stimuli while humans try to pass on the right DNA through their offspring. Bacteria have genes that can be flipped on and off through various stimuli, like interaction with each other, metabolites, toxins, exercise and diet. Bacteria are busy little guys constantly taking in information from our bodies and brains. Cue all the emotional turmoil and that tells bacteria how to behave and what to crave.

Studies show that diet and supplementation are the primary influencers of microbial balance and gut health. Throwing it out of whack has been shown to lead to a wide range of disorders: obesity, neurodegenerative issues, and functional and inflammatory diseases, including everything from cardiovascular disease to irritable bowel disorders and more.

What this means for you is, if you can get your gut microbiome squeaky clean, you can not only be super healthy, you can put an end to those food cravings. You can stick with the dietary lifestyle you know you should. You just need to reprogram your gut first.

Flora Blitz 100: The Fast Way to Reprogramming Your Cravings

The findings are pretty darn cool and promising but they come with a caveat: researchers are still figuring out which bacteria promote good moods. Thousands of gut microbes have been identified but one trend is certain: depressed people have reduced numbers of friendly bacteria.

What we do know is there's a connection between the mind and gut, that gut feeling and all. We also know that gut bacteria communicate with the brain in three ways:

  • Send signals up the vagus nerve
  • Influence immune cells in the gut
  • Produce chemicals that affect the brain and travel in the blood

Nutritional studies provide a compass pointing towards which bacteria love healthy food, and which love junk food. OHS is tapping into this connection with Optimal Flora Blitz 100, a therapeutic dose of probiotics that will clear out your gut of bad bacteria and come ready to be programmed to crave healthier foods.

Your gut microbes cause a large portion of your cravings due to the gut-brain axis. 90% of your serotonin, the neurotransmitter thought to be responsible for your mood, is made in your gut and is impacted by the state of your gut microbiome.

Bacteroidetes thrive off of fats while Prevotellas thrive off of carbohydrate sources. When we eat sugar, we literally feed the Candida yeast and other harmful microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal tract. This can lead to fatigue, low energy, and hormonal imbalance.

When our gut falls out of balance, the cells of the intestine become inflamed. We end up absorbing very little from the food that we eat. The cells of the intestine lose their ability to do work. This means that food might sit stagnant in the small intestine, where it ferments and putrefies. The large intestine may lose motility, or the ability to move. Most importantly, the wall of the intestines becomes irritated and leaky. A leaky gut allows large particles of food, toxins from bacteria, and Candida to pass into the bloodstream.

This product is intended to be a swift intervention of sorts when you feel cravings for sugary or greasy food coming on. This is your red flag that your gut microbiome is out of whack. Flora Blitz 100 delivers a surge of healthy bacteria to kill off the bad bacteria triggering the unhealthy cravings, along with creates a blank microbiome slate. This allows you to jump back on the healthy food wagon and give yourself a chance to develop permanent, healthy dietary habits.

To maximize the culture in your gut, you want to include a wide range of raw, plant-based foods in your diet. Pick whole grains over white bread, nuts, seeds, legumes, and fruit over candy and juices on a daily basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you guarantee potency?

We do all of the work, from research and development to production and shipping, in-house. This means we know exactly what goes into every single supplement and powder we sell.

Where is the expiration date on the product?

D.O.M. (Date of Manufacture) is the new way that the FDA has asked all supplement companies to display dates onto our products, instead of expiration dates. All of our products have a general 2-year expiration date from the D.O.M. Although after these 2 years, the product doesn't go bad or cause harm, they simply start to lose potency.‍

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