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Opti-Immune VRL

Opti-Immune VRL

  • Nutritionally protects against viruses
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Contains specific glandular aids that research shows have antiviral properties
  • Uses whole food ingredients that are shown to fight off viruses and bacteria
Recommended Dose: Take 2 capsules two times daily
Regular price $37.00
Regular price Sale price $37.00
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30 servings per container
  • HSA/FSA eligible with TrueMed. HSA does not allow Autoship, choose One Time Purchase.
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Mother Nature’s Immune System Support

Whole Food Ingredients

L-lysine, green tea, elderberry, olive leaf, garlic, licorice root, and more all contain natural virus fighting nutrients and are found inside.

Antioxidant Backup

Balancing out free radicals that cause many issues for our bodies allows us to avoid disease and discomfort.

Frontline Support

Assists the thymus, parotid, lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, skin, and tonsils in fighting viruses.

Natural Defense

Protects and defends the body using whole food instead of other more harmful ingredients.

Dairy Free
No dairy ingredients are in this product. NOTE: Many products in the OHS line contain probiotics and enzymes that help break down dairy helping the body utilize it when consumed.
Gluten Free
This product is free of Gluten which has been shown to cause an allergic reaction with certain individuals. NOTE: Many people take the Optimal Digestion formula to help with gluten digestion through our special enzyme that helps digest it.
GMP certified means that the manufacturer has demonstrated a strong regulatory commitment and compliance to international GMP standards. All of the products from OHS are blended, encapsulated and/or tableted in a GMP facility. OHS also is a FDA registered facility including packaging and shipping.
Non-GMO means a product was produced without genetic engineering and it's ingredients are not derived from GMOs.
This blend of high potency enzymes and other nutrients are used to pre-digest the formulas making them more bioavailable and absorbed at the cellular level. Opti-Blend revolutionizes supplements because it allows the vitamins and minerals to be utilized at a much higher rate.
Whole Food
Using nature's fermentation process with organic yeast, pure plant enzymes, stabilized probiotics, and a variety of whole foods, we can now deliver higher potencies of whole food vitamins and minerals.

What's Inside?

Beet Fiber
Good source of Vitamin C, B6, potassium, and iron, assists in maintaining healthy blood pressure, can help fight inflammation
Opti-Blend Delivery System
The key element that helps in the breakdown of nutrients to be processed by the body and reach the cellular level for maximum absorption.
Pomegranate Extract
Rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and bioactive plant compounds, great antioxidant source, an anti-inflammatory, may help in lowering blood pressure
VRL Blend
Includes elderberries, olive leaves, garlic, licorice root, and more to provide your body with nutrients you need to combat sickness
Supplement Fact Label Opti-Immune VRL

Product Deep Dive

Deep Dive Information

It’s something that never should have happened but it did. Doctors around the world prescribed antibiotics for viral infections and the human race has paid the price in the form of nightmare bacteria, misinformation, malpractice, and defenseless immune systems. Society has tunnel-visioned having a pill for every ill while Mother Nature jumps up and down in the background, waving immune-boosting and virus-fighting nutrients in vain. The reality is, natural sources have so much to offer to combat illness, both bacterial and viral.

The right way is, essentially, to constantly offer your body protection by eating food rich in immune-boosting nutrients. There are essential vitamins and minerals that keep your system firing at full steam, along with vegetarian sources and pure, potent glandulars proven to give the tools your body needs to fight off viral invaders.

Essential Immune System Vitamins and Minerals

You will always want to prioritize eating well, getting exercise, adequate sleep, and taking time to manage stress. A poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, insufficient sleep and chronic stress all are proven to make you more susceptible to illness.

There is a variety of nutrients that have been proven--through double-blind studies--to boost your immune system. And there are also vitamins and minerals your body needs more of when cold and flu season arrives. These include vitamins A, C, D3, B6, calcium, magnesium, zinc and manganese.

The above nutrients don’t directly attack viruses but they are what your cells need to maintain peak function during times of stress. They are all used in overall body function. If these needs aren’t met, then pumping your body full of other virus-fighting nutrients isn’t going to be as effective and chances are you’re going to feel tired all the time.

For example, vitamin A helps your immune system stay strong, along with help various organs work properly. Magnesium helps your body from head to toe. Every last cell in your body uses it for countless functions, including repair and energy production. And then there’s calcium, which isn’t just for bones. Research shows your body uses calcium to trigger the healing process when a virus or bacteria harms your body.

Nature's Immune Health Resources

There are immune-boosting and virus-fighting nutrients found in nature all over the globe, but research shows that a handful of them, in particular, excel at protecting you from illness. These include L-lysine, green tea, elderberry, olive leaf, garlic, licorice root, astragalus root, glucan, and pomegranate.

Antioxidants play a huge role in keeping you healthy. Their sole purpose is to keep your body balanced at the molecular level as they fight free radicals, which are an unavoidable part of life. Merely breathing creates free radicals. Supplementing with nutrients like green tea, elderberry, and pomegranate can keep those free radicals in line.

L-Lysine - L-lysine is an amino acid that has anti-viral properties and is used extensively in alternative treatments to viral concerns, like cold sores and the complex surrounding them.

Green Tea - Polyphenols, potent plant antioxidants, are what's believed to give green tea its immune-boosting effects. One laboratory study suggested that a particular type of polyphenols called catechins may kill influenza viruses. It also acts as a natural anti-inflammatory.

Astragalus Root - Aastragalus root is shown to increase white blood cells, along with help kill viruses and bad bacteria.

Garlic - A natural antimicrobial and antiviral nutrient.

Olive Leaf - This nutrient has been used for centuries. It's been shown to contain powerful anti-infection agents oleuropein and calcium elenolate. On top of that, olive leaf extract doesn't harm the good bacteria in your body.

Licorice Root - Another nutrient that has been used for centuries, licorice root has been shown to have antimicrobial and antiviral properties in addition to many other benefits. According to research, licorice contains two triterpenes, GL and GA, which have been reported to have antiviral effects.

Immune-Boosting Glandulars

The key players in your immune system are your thymus, parotid, lymph nodes, sleep, bone marrow, skin, and tonsils. There are two types of immunity: innate and adaptive. Innate immunity is the resistance we are born with, and adaptive immunity is the immunity that we acquire naturally when we are exposed to viruses, bacteria, other microorganisms, and toxins, or when we are vaccinated.

Antibodies retain long-term memories of invaders they have faced, so there are many lifestyle changes and dietary changes that can enhance immune function.

Your skin is your first barrier against unfriendly invasions. Mucus secretions, including tears, gastric acid secretions, and saliva from the parotid gland, are part of this as well.

The immune system defends the body against unfriendly microorganisms. The thymus, parotid, lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, skin, and tonsils all play essential roles in supporting its integrity. The active soldiers that maintain immune system activity include specialized white blood cells, lymphocytes, phagocytes, killer T-cells, antibodies, interferon, and lactoferrin.

Opti-Immune VRL

Opti-Immune-VRL contains nutrients, herbs and predigested glandulars that research shows nutritionally supports your immune system. This blend is predigested through Opti-Blend, making it up to 300% more bioavailable.

Opti-Immune VRL contains a special blend of nutrients that help nutritionally support the elimination of viruses. The ingredients provide a natural yet powerful, holistic boost to your body’s defenses, utilizing predigested green tea, elderberry, olive leaf, and garlic to fight off viruses and bacteria. Sometimes all your body needs is a boost to get back up to full strength.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you guarantee potency?

We do all of the work, from research and development to production and shipping, in-house. This means we know exactly what goes into every single supplement and powder we sell.

Where is the expiration date on the product?

D.O.M. (Date of Manufacture) is the new way that the FDA has asked all supplement companies to display dates onto our products, instead of expiration dates. All of our products have a general 2-year expiration date from the D.O.M. Although after these 2 years, the product doesn't go bad or cause harm, they simply start to lose potency.‍

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