Key Building Blocks for Strong Bones

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Safe Bone Health Supplements Do Exist
You’ll find conflicting research on the efficacy of supplementing with calcium for bone health. The truth is you need a combination of nutrients to not only absorb the calcium, but also make sure it goes into your bones and not into your blood stream or sit in your arteries.
There are quite a few calcium supplements on the market, but the big problem is they’re all synthetic, cheap imitations of what nature produces. Calcium needs to be organic to be safe and effective. The molecules to be bound to amino acids so they’re bioavailable.
Optimal BonePlus Calcium contains the only patented form of calcium: amino acid chelated calcium (means it’s organic). It’s also absorbed 200% more than other calciums, and is the safest and most effective calcium on the market.Sedentary lifestyles and lack of load-bearing exercise (strength training), along with diminished amounts of calcium in foods today and the consumption of carbonated drinks, laxatives, white flour and other mineral-depleting substances are just some of the factors that have combined to make osteoporosis the fastest rising disease in America. Sodas, processed foods, and so on pull calcium from bones.
Osteoporosis—characterized by brittling and weakening of the bones—is the third leading cause of death in America. Called a “silent killer," osteoporosis is on the rise with over 40,000 women dying from related fractures each year.
Osteoporosis robs bones of strength and density. A bump, fall or even a hug can result in painful, broken bones. Osteoporosis is responsible for over 1.5 million fractures per year and over $38 million a day is spent on treatment.
Our sedentary and low-calcium lives are major contributors in the rising numbers of osteoporosis-stricken individuals. 1 in 8 men and 1 in 2 women will sustain a fracture because of it, with 24% of those being crippling.
Taking Tums™ or other common forms of calcium is ineffective, harmful, and doesn’t promote bone health. Optimal BonePlus™ Calcium’s ingredients not only can stop osteoporosis; it can reverse bone loss. There has been little hope, until the formulation of this supplement.