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Tru-Energy Pak

Tru-Energy Pak

  • Contains all nutrients proven to feel ATP synthesis
  • Helps rebuild and fortify adrenal glands from caffeine, sugar, or toxin abuse
  • Provides an energy boost
  • Gives support to the adrenal glands
Recommended Dose: Take 1 packet 2 times daily
Regular price $108.00
Regular price Sale price $108.00
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30 servings per container
  • HSA/FSA eligible with TrueMed. HSA does not allow Autoship, choose One Time Purchase.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee *
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Revitalize Energy Production at the Cellular Level and Promote Adrenal Health

Optimal Energy Production

Supplies you with the nutrients you need to keep adrenals at peak function and promote optimal ATP production.

Muscle Performance

Give your muscles the nutrients they need for high energy and high performance.

Healthy Stimulation

Instead of using stimulants such as caffeine to give you energy, you get healthy nutrients that boost your energy.

Energy Without the Crash

Gives you lasting energy without a crash and without becoming addicted to the source.

Dairy Free
No dairy ingredients are in this product. NOTE: Many products in the OHS line contain probiotics and enzymes that help break down dairy helping the body utilize it when consumed.
Gluten Free
This product is free of Gluten which has been shown to cause an allergic reaction with certain individuals. NOTE: Many people take the Optimal Digestion formula to help with gluten digestion through our special enzyme that helps digest it.
GMP certified means that the manufacturer has demonstrated a strong regulatory commitment and compliance to international GMP standards. All of the products from OHS are blended, encapsulated and/or tableted in a GMP facility. OHS also is a FDA registered facility including packaging and shipping.
Non-GMO means a product was produced without genetic engineering and it's ingredients are not derived from GMOs.
This blend of high potency enzymes and other nutrients are used to pre-digest the formulas making them more bioavailable and absorbed at the cellular level. Opti-Blend revolutionizes supplements because it allows the vitamins and minerals to be utilized at a much higher rate.
This means that a product is made or manufactured without the use of animal products.
Whole Food
Using nature's fermentation process with organic yeast, pure plant enzymes, stabilized probiotics, and a variety of whole foods, we can now deliver higher potencies of whole food vitamins and minerals.

What's Inside?

Muscle Rx
Provides the key nutrients your body needs to growth, repair, and sustain muscle from pre-digested patented glutamine, creatine and BCAAs.
Cort Adrena
Supplies your body with a therapeutic dose of nutrients your body needs to lower cortisol levels and revitalize your adrenals
Provides the four nutrients that people are most lacking, vitamins D, A, K1, and K2, to provide your body with the necessary basics
B Awake
Gives your body an abundant supply of B vitamins ready to use for energy

Product Deep Dive

When we talk about energy, most of the time caffeine comes into the conversation. Energy is created by the synthesis and absorption of specific nutrients into cells. The end result is ATP (a.k.a. energy). Energy is constantly released and reabsorbed through the use of ATP-conversion nutrients.

When we don’t have enough energy, we tend to reach for a stimulant that quickly bypasses the normal process and stimulates the central nervous system (CNS). This could be anything from coffee to green tea, or sugary foods. You get energy from these things but in the wrong form, hence the crash that always follows. Suddenly, your body needs more. You take more every two to three hours to keep going, until you go to bed, creating the need to stimulate more and more.

This leads us to a very bad place health-wise. Your body is using up valuable resources to keep creating ATP through the aforementioned means because of a nutrient deficiency. This affects the adrenal glands and leads to depression and low energy no matter what we do.

Caffeine is often listed as tri- or dimethylxanthine. Xanthine is the chemical term for caffeine. Xanthines serve as a CNS stimulant and are often used therapeutically to treat disorders like COPD because they dilate the bronchial tubes and more. They’re also used in athletic performance. There truly are advantages to taking caffeine, but the bottom line is this: we all want energy.

When the CNS is stimulated, they send the body into overdrive. You experience things like increased heart rate, cycle stimulation, increased metabolism and more. Some effects are favorable. It acts as an ergogenic aid. If we have the right amount of caffeine paired with nutrients, we do get better fat metabolism and carbohydrate burn, and boosts our mind. However, when taken in the wrong form or even too much, it can cause major health problems.

Too much caffeine has side effects like:

  • Dehydration
  • Cramping
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Gastrointestinal Distress
  • Frequent Urination
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Increased Blood Pressure
  • Mental Issues

The key is moderation and getting your caffeine from natural sources. Taking caffeine paired with nutrients that naturally enhance ATP production will promote lasting energy throughout the day. This keeps our CNS receptors sensitized (as opposed to growing number and number to stimulants) and providing adrenal gland support.

Synthetic caffeine is addictive and gradually desensitizes your system, which is why you need more and more to achieve the same effect, and why users crash. Young kids in particular are at risk when it comes to taking caffeine. Too many products are loaded with major amounts of caffeine.

There is a natural way to gain a large dose of energy without causing damage to the adrenals. OHS has combined natural caffeine with whole food nutrients for optimal ATP production and adrenal gland health. You’ll have energy single energy needed to create true energy and focus without the crash.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you guarantee potency?

We do all of the work, from research and development to production and shipping, in-house. This means we know exactly what goes into every single supplement and powder we sell.

Where is the expiration date on the product?

D.O.M. (Date of Manufacture) is the new way that the FDA has asked all supplement companies to display dates onto our products, instead of expiration dates. All of our products have a general 2-year expiration date from the D.O.M. Although after these 2 years, the product doesn't go bad or cause harm, they simply start to lose potency.‍

Customer Reviews

Pictured is a woman pouring a packet from her Custom pak into her hand. In the foreground of the image is a custom pak and packet.

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